Netflix, the world’s world’s leading streaming entertainment service, has released its controversial docu-series, “Bad boy Billionaires,” which showcases the alleged fraud committed by business tycoons such as Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi and Sahara India chief Subrata Roy, after a month of legal tussle
However, the episode on Satyam Computer Services founder B Ramalinga Raju has been held by the over the top (OTT) platform.
There’s no word on when the fourth episode based on Raju will be made available. A hearing on the matter is scheduled for Monday at the Telangana High Court, which observed Friday that the Hyderabad court should have watched the episode before granting an injunction, and noted that an individual couldn’t block a documentary that’s based on information available in the public domain.
Raju alleged that the docuseries would infringe his rights of fair- trial and privacy besides defaming and tarnishing his image across nations.
The first episode of the series, titled The King of Good Times, is about Vijay Mallya. The description reads, “Beer baron and airline owner Vijay Mallya builds a brand image of excess till his Kingfisher empire plunges into alleged money laundering and debt.”
The second episode on Nirav Modi is titled Diamonds Aren’t Forever. “Dazzling the world’s elite to globalise his jewelry brand, Nirav Modi is suspected of illegally inflating diamond prices,” the description says.
The last is titled The World’s Biggest Family. Netflix describes the episodes as, “Subrata Roy takes his Sahara India Pariwar conglomerate to dizzying heights before facing accusations of enticing poor investors into a pyramid scheme.”