Imagine a world where your dinner arrives at your doorstep with a tap on your phone. No more battling rush hour traffic or wrestling with overflowing grocery bags. This convenience, courtesy of food delivery giants like Swiggy, has become an integral part of our modern lives. But what if you could not only enjoy Swiggy’s services but also potentially benefit from its future growth? That’s the tantalizing proposition of investing in Swiggy’s unlisted shares. Understanding the Unlisted Market Let’s take a step back. Unlike publicly traded companies on stock exchanges like the NSE or BSE, unlisted shares represent ownership in…

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Introduction The Indian banking sector is a dynamic landscape, with established players constantly striving to adapt and innovate. Among these institutions, Canara Bank has captured headlines recently for its remarkable turnaround. After facing challenges in the past decade, the bank has undergone a significant transformation, emerging stronger and more resilient. This article delves into Canara Bank’s comeback story, analyzing its key drivers and exploring its potential as an investment opportunity. A Legacy of Service: A Look Back at Canara Bank’s History Canara Bank boasts a rich history dating back to 1906. Founded in Mangalore, Karnataka, it has steadily grown into…

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At any point, do you discover yourself feeling touchy, unfocused, and out and out hangry when appetite strikes? You’re in good company. A considerable number of us have encountered the peculiarity of “hangry,”  a state of outrageous yearning that can prompt mood swings, low energy levels, and cravings for unhealthy snacks. In any case, dread not; there are powerful mind tricks that can assist you with fighting the temptation to go after junk food each time hunger strikes. By integrating basic systems into your everyday practice, you can forestall hangry episodes and make better food decisions, all things considered. 1.…

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In 1922, British classicist Howard Carter made a momentous discovery in the Valley of the Kings: the almost intact tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. The youthful ruler, who climbed to the lofty position at only nine years of age, immediately turned into an unbelievable figure in the realm of paleontology. However, since the discovery of his tomb, questions have emerged about the circumstances surrounding his death. A few scholars have even proposed that King Tut may have faked his own death to escape the tensions of administering ancient Egypt. 1. The mysterious life and death of King Tutankhamun.…

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a financial security net that we genuinely want to believe that we never need to utilise, yet fear paying for each month. While large names dominate the airwaves with their infectious commercials, there are some lesser-known insurance companies out there that might actually save you a lot of money while actually giving strong coverage. 1. Quirky insurance companies that can save you money and provide better coverage One such company is Lemonade, a tech-driven insurance company that utilises artificial intelligence to streamline case interactions. By removing the middleman, Lemonade can offer lower premiums to its customers. Furthermore, they have…

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It tends to be challenging to stay aware of the requests of work, school, and day-to-day existence. That is where biohacking comes in the act of utilising technology to improve our physical and mental capabilities. One area of biohacking that has acquired ubiquity lately is brain enhancement, with a range of gadgets intended to assist us with thinking quicker, focusing better, and lifting our general brainpower. 1. the idea of biohacking and how it can assist with upgrading your cognitive abilities. Biohacking might seem like a term straight out of a science fiction movie, yet it is really a genuine…

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Have you at any point considered what it might be like to live to 120 years old? With advancements in modern medicine and a more noteworthy focus on healthy living, an ever-increasing number of individuals are hoping to broaden their lifespans beyond the conventional long-term mark. However, consider the possibility that I told you that living to 120 couldn’t help your health and satisfaction, yet additionally make you a millionaire. Believe it or not, a semi-secret life insurance hack could assist you with building a significant retirement fund before you even reach the century mark. 1. the idea of living…

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Gone are the days of lengthy, tedious loan applications at traditional banks. Because of the ascent of financial technology, or fintech, apps, getting a loan has become speedier and simpler than any time in recent memory. These innovative apps are reshaping the manner in which we contemplate acquiring money, offering comfort and proficiency that traditional banks essentially can’t coordinate. 1. Presenting fintech apps that are changing the game with regards to getting loans and dealing with your finances. There’s no denying that overseeing finances can be a distressing and overpowering undertaking, particularly with regards to getting a loan. However, with…

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It’s not unexpected knowledge that insurance policies are frequently loaded with legal jargon and complex language that can be challenging for the typical individual to translate. In any case, what numerous policyholders may not understand is that covered inside the pages of their insurance contracts are hidden clauses that might actually leave them in desperate waterways when it comes time to document a case. These clauses, frequently neglected or misjudged, can possibly radically impact your coverage in ways you won’t ever envision. 1.Overview You might believe you’re covered for each possibility when you pursue an insurance policy, yet truly, there…

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Is it true that you are burned out from dishing out a colossal lump of your paycheck to cover your monthly rent or mortgage? Have you at any point longed for living for free or, in any event, making money from your lodging expenses? Assuming this is the case, then, at that point, house hacking might be the ideal strategy for you. House hacking, a term promoted by land financial backers, includes purchasing a property with numerous units and renting out the additional room to cover (or even surpass) your mortgage payments. This article will show you how even those…

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