The megastar and the Bollywood veteran actor, Amitabh Bachan has gone through a second eye surgery recently and said it is all fine. He was experiencing some trouble with his eyesight. He announced the second eye surgery via the microblogging site twitter where he said “and the 2nd one has gone well .. recovering now ..all good .. the marvels of modern medical technology and the dexterity of dr HM ‘s hands .. life changing experience .. You see now what you were not seeing before .. surely a wonderful world !!”

The actor is currently 74 years old but very active in his career. Sr. Bachan is also very much available for his fans on social media. He shares regular updates about his days and is also seen posting chill pictures. Sometimes he is seen with his granddaughter Aradhya and also other family members. Though his beards have gone white but not his heart. He is as lively as he was in his shahenshah form. We can even call him a real life shahenshah. We love him. But his health seems to be depleting but he is very much concerned about his fitness and seen very much active because of it. The charm and the charisma is not old though. 

He was also admitted to hospital due to contraction with the COVID-19 virus and the nation was very much in trouble because of the news. 

The news of his second surgery was announced by him on late Sunday night to his fans and well wishes poured in for him from every nook and corner of not only India but the entire world. 

His first eye surgery earlier this March, 2021 didn’t seem to go so well. He was seen very much disappointed yet didn’t lose hope and his will power and recovered from it like a king. He mentioned about his first eye surgery as “slow and difficult”

He also published the same on his blog which he runs on Tumblr. He is very active in blogging too and in his blogs we can find that he loves to write and share his thoughts about everything and in a very attractive manner. On his blog he wrote:

“Thank you for all the concern and the wishes for the medical condition…eye surgeries at this age are delicate and need precision handling…the best is being done and one hopes all shall be well… the sight and the recovery is slow and difficult so if there are typing errors they are to be excused,” Bachchan wrote in his blog.

He also shared in one of his blogs about the desire of learning photoshop. Want to go ahead and check out his blog? Here it is:

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