A PWA is a web application that has the ability to better exploit the functionality of a smartphone or computer, linked to its hardware components. The PWA integrates and collaborates much better with the hardware on which it will run and be used. 

There are two elements to consider when making a choice: 

  • The target audience for our application
  • The conditions of use (on which types of devices will the app be used?) 

What you have to keep in mind is that the react progressive web app is lighter. It requires less power from the devices and is therefore accessible to more people. We think in particular of all the people who do not necessarily have the latest smartphone that is just released on the market. 

That said, from a functional point of view, the PWA is not interesting when you need high performance. For example, to do virtual reality or 3D. For advanced functionalities, it’s better to use a native application. 

But apart from this case, a PWA is more affordable and meets 95% of the needs that a company can express. It’s up to you and your partner. 

Now, how much does a PWA cost, and what are the criteria that will impact your budget? 

There are two main aspects that influence the budget:

The time needed for design and analysis: do we need a PWA or a native application? What do we want to offer as a user experience, and what is the best way to achieve this?

The second element that will have an impact is the service worker. We need to think about the caching strategy, which will allow the PWA to be consulted in offline mode. 

Finally, these two elements refer to a basic notion: development time. 

When you know all these elements, the question is how long it takes to create a PWA. 

Depending on the complexity, a PWA can be released in 2-3 months. If it’s fairly simple functionality, it can be done in 3 months. 

In comparison, a native application will require two developments (one on iOS and one on Android). So the development time will be longer. Moreover, with a native application, you will also have to take into account the deployment part that must be done on the stores. So publishing the app on the App Store and the Google Play Store takes time. Whereas a PWA just has to be put online, which is a much faster process. 

Finally, before closing this question, what are some good examples of PWAs that we can learn from? 

Twitter and Instagram are good examples on the social network level. 

L’équipe (the French sports newspaper) has also launched its PWA which can be installed on smartphones. 

Etam, the lingerie brand, has adapted its E-Commerce site to PWA. Thanks to the latter, the size of the average shopping cart has increased by 15%, and therefore many more sales are made. 

But it is also possible to develop a PWA for the cultural and entertainment sectors.

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