In these cutting edge days, when the cost for many everyday items is high most guardians like to have a little family. Yet, a man in Pakistan became a dad for the 60th time and desires to have more kids from here on out. Sardar Jan Mohammad Khan Khilji, a 50-year-old, who invited his child Haji Khushhal Khan, as of late likewise needs to wed for the fourth time to satisfy his longing of having more kids.
The insight about Khilji becoming a dad for the 60th time likewise surfaced on the miniature publishing content to a blog webpage Twitter after which it became viral.
The post was shared by @Shamshadnetwork with the inscription, “Sardar Jan, an occupant of Quetta, became the dad of the “60th” kid. Sardarjan Mohammad Khan, an inhabitant of Quetta, the Capital of Balochistan, said his 60th kid was conceived an offspring yesterday. Jan expressed the infant kid is a child and he named him Khushal.”

The man, who is a specialist and dwells near Quetta’s Eastern Detour communicated his craving to wed for the fourth time for which he has mentioned his companions to help.
“I have requested that every one of my companions assist me with tracking down a young lady for my fourth marriage,” said the man to BBC.
Khilji wants to have a bigger number of girls than children and put his whole family in a similar home.
Strangely, three of his spouses are as yet holding back to bring forth more youngsters, as per a tweet shared by ShamshadNews.
“As indicated by him, his three spouses are as yet able to bring forth more kids. The new dad added he needs to have more kids so he is searching for a fourth marriage. 50-years – old Jan is a family specialist and has a facility in his home,” the subtitle of the post read.