Neeraj Chopra made history at the Tokyo Olympics 2020 by clinching India’s first gold in the Javelin throw. However, a new viral video on the internet is making netizens wonder if there was another athlete to achieve the similar feat almost two decades back.
With a career spanning over 39 years, Chiranjeevi is one of the biggest actors in the Indian film industry.once videos of Neeraj Chopra’s now-famous javelin moment began circulating on social media, film buffs remembered that a famous Tollywood Chiranjeevi had already done the same way back in 1999. In Kovelamudi Raghavendra Rao’s Iddaru Mitrulu, In this movie Chiranjeevi throws a javelin like a total pro and the filmmakers use CGI to ensure he wins gold. The clip now circulates on social media, with movie buffs reminiscing and leaving comments like, “It’s a good time to recall that Chiranjeevi also won gold for javelin throw.”
Take a look on that viral tweet –
For obvious reasons, the video went viral on Twitter and other social media platforms. Netizens were at their hilarious and sarcastic best. “Tollywood ke level k hisaab se jyada door nhi gya . stadium paar jaana tha,” a user joked.
Another user also stated this as the reason for no crowds in the stadium
Another user said, Boss can do anything. And shared an old clip of Chiranjeevi’s movie
Indeed, it looks like the ‘Mega Star’ Chiranjeevi really revolutionized Javelin throw that could have inspired athletes like Neeraj Chopra.