Have you ever had such questions in your mind ?


1. Why do we kill people for killing people to show that killing is wrong?   ( oh, hang on! )



2. What Happens if a Zombie bites a Vampire ?

 ( zompire, hmmm )


3. Why do they call a building a building when it is already built?  ( i’ll work on my grammar )


4. Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?  ( because, ahh! )



5. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how will anyone ever know? ( i’ll never know )


6. Why do sky divers wear helmets ?  ( Doh! , to protect their brain )



7.  If the product says “Do not use if seal is broken”, how are you supposed to open it and use it?



8. Do prison buses have emergency exits?  ( no comments )



9. What is Satan’s Second Name ?  ( Satan! )



10.  If God sneezes, what should you say?  ( bless you! )

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