You! Yes, you, reading this article right now. You’re reading this article because you have got two situations on your hands. You’re either helping a friend or loved one prepare for their post-delivery life. Or, you’re personally trying to learn what you need to do after your own delivery.

We’ve cobbled together this article for you as a checklist of sorts so that you can roughly gauge how prepared you are for that post-delivery life.
However, as with all things in life, we find that the best kind of preparatory guides keep things simple. That’s why, we’re going to break down the post-delivery into three aspects:
- Aches & Pains
- Nutrition
- Support
These are going to be our holy trinity of what’s called the confinement period after you’ve delivered your little bundle of joy into the world.
So, without further ado, let’s do further and get right into the first aspect.
Aches & Pains
It is common to have certain pains and aches after giving birth, and these aches and pains normally go away with time.
However, some women continue to have significant pain or pains months after giving birth.
If you are experiencing extreme postpartum pain, this is a red flag that something is amiss and you should seek emergency medical assistance.
Here are some postpartum pains and aches to look out for and how to deal with them.
- Aching all over
- Large and tender breasts
- Contractions
- Perineal tears
- C-section scar itches
- Bleeding
- Sore calves
- Constipation
As we’ve mentioned, it is natural to feel discomfort throughout your body after giving delivery. This is due to the severe strain placed on the body during contractions. Contraction discomfort can be so severe that some women have pain and aches for weeks after giving birth.
Most women are troubled with low back discomfort after giving birth, which is understandable considering the amount of tension and suffering the body endures during labour contractions. Aside from back pain, you may have headaches, pains and stiffness between your shoulders, or severe pain in your hips or lower back. Tingling in your hands and wrists is also possible.
What to do?
Aside from the usual eating right and getting more rest which are the most basic things you could do during this time, we’d recommend pampering yourself with some massage therapy. Yes, that’s right, massage.

There are several benefits to be had from indulging in a massage session or two like removing water retention, relieving aches and pains, promoting relaxation, and if you are breastfeeding, it may even help with engorgement.
Right, that’s all nice and well, but do we have any recommendations for it? Why, yes, yes, we do.
There’s a certain PNSG that you might have heard of before, or to give them their proper name – Post Natal Massage Singapore. This company has been around for over a decade and has served over 5,000 happy mummies to date.
They pride themselves on offering authentic Javanese postnatal therapy that helps you with effective recovery, lactation, and body toning.
Aside from relieving water retention, promoting better sleep, and improving lactation, their massages also help reduce post surgery swellings as well as speeding up womb recovery.
The answer to this one should be fairly obvious – eat right and healthy.
However, we understand that nutrition doesn’t come as easily to most of us and it’s confusing to have to sift through all the articles online about what food is best for you to eat during your confinement.
That’s why we recommend this next company – Tian Wei Signature.
They are by no means strangers to mummies in confinement and their varied menu boasts a wide array of dishes. While focusing mainly on the nutritious and familiar Chinese confinement diets that most mummies are familiar with, they’ve also added in their own flair to the whole genre of confinement food by incorporating fusion cuisine into their repertoire.
Why them, though? Simple. Aside from the huge variety of dishes and fusion menu, they incorporate various milk-boosting lactogenic ingredients to make their menu breastfeeding-friendly AND their entire menu is cooked by an expert award-winning chef who is guided by a dietitian to ensure that you will be getting all the essential nutrients that support recovery as well as breastfeeding.
So, if you are looking for confinement foods that’ll leave you wanting more or just want someone to deliver food for confinement straight to your doorstep, head on over to their website today!
According to studies, mental and physical relaxation, as well as emotional support, particularly from her family and partner, might lower the rates of postnatal depression.
A comfortable physical and home environment will aid in the new mother’s relaxation and adjustment to her new position.
What to do?
Well, nobody wants to feel like they’re alone, right? What if you had some helping hands to guide you through that confinement and give you a head start on how to properly care for your little one?
Here’s the fact of the matter – unless you have regular experience with parenthood and recovering during confinement, then chances are that you’re still groping around trying to find your way in the dark.
What if you had guidance borne from over 30 years of experience helping mummies in confinement? We present to you – PEM, also known as PEM Confinement Nanny Agency. They have built their reputation over the years by serving over 25,000 happy mummies with a lot of them coming back even when they had their second child. If that doesn’t go some way to showing how much of a trusted household name they are, we doubt anything else will.
With over 460 professionally trained nannies who can in turn guide you on identifying newborn baby crying cues, how to pacify a fussy tot, helping you cook your confinement dishes, and basically take care of you while you focus on recuperating, this agency really is one for the ages.
So, if you are looking for a confinement nanny in Singapore, look no further than PEM. Swing by or bookmark their website today!
Oh, just in case you were wondering, the answer is yes, they do offer prenatal massage therapy packages too.
However, please take note that they do advise for postnatal care massage therapy to commence any time after 5 days for vaginal delivery, but at least 21 days from delivery date before commencing for caesarean deliveries. As for prenatal massage, they recommend that it be after 28 weeks but no more than 2 weeks before your estimated delivery date.
Should you be interested in learning more about them instead of Googling “best post natal massage Singapore”, we’d recommend you swing by their website here.
The mother’s nutrition after giving birth is crucial not only for her speedy recovery, but also for breastfeeding the newborn child.
Breast milk is the baby’s principal source of nourishment during the first few months, thus the mother must consume a healthy diet.
Good nutrition and rest will also speed up the recovery process. A healthy diet may also help the woman lose the weight she gained while pregnant…provided it is adhered to and done right.
A healthy diet is essential for proper digestion and uncomplicated bowel movements that do not strain the abdomen, as well as providing necessary nutrients to the baby and aiding in the mother’s body’s recuperation. Proteins, minerals, calcium, fibre, and iron should be included in the diet promptly after a caesarean delivery.
Constipation is one of the most prevalent symptoms experienced by women after giving birth. There are several reasons for this, including high iron levels in prenatal vitamins, medications used during surgery, dehydration, and weak pelvic muscles after birth.