Sunny Leone was seen wearing a transparent mask which soon became a rage on social media. Netizens just can’t stop talking about her transparent mask where some are asking where they can find such masks while some are simply trolling her for wearing it which gives zero protection from COVID-19.
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A user wrote, “Wahhh she rather not wear a mask only… As if corona can’t come from below” there was another one who commented on a similar thing as he wrote, “Funniest mask I have ever seen and it’s totally useless! The virus can enter from below, lol” While another one was a little concern as the comment read, “I don’t know who needs to hear this but that is not helping her. She may be protecting others. But us not protecting herself… just wear a mask folks stay safe out there”
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With all the ladies complaining about getting their make-up ruined because of the masks and the people who have a hard time breathing with the mask covering their face all the time, Sunny Leone’s mask just might be the answer to all these problems. This unique mask allows you to recognise the person easily as well. Sunny Leone was seen wearing a black coloured pullover with white stars on it in this picture which she paired with high waisted blue jeans and canvas sneakers.