Amidst the Tandav controversy, police personnel were spotted on duty outside Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s house in Mumbai on Sunday. Ali Abbas Zafar’s directorial stirred controversy for allegedly hurting religious sentiments of Hindus. Viewers on social media and political leaders have alleged that Hindu Gods specially Lord Shiva is insulted in the political drama. Several leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have called for a ban on Tandav.

 On Sunday, MLA Ram Kadam lodged a complaint against the makers of the web series at Ghatkopar police station in Mumbai. Kadam in his tweet demanded the removal of the part mocking Lord Shiva and an apology from Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub (he played Shiva Shekhar). Also, an FIR was lodged in Lucknow, UP against Amazon India content head, director, producer of Tandav. BJP leader Kapil Mishra had also sent a legal notice to the video streaming platform demanding the removal of the web-series immediately otherwise criminal proceedings will be taken against them.

Saif and Kareena have bought a new house near their old one. The new building is just at a walking distance from their old Apartment. The staff of the couple were also seen moving their household stuff such as carpets, bags, baskets, etc. into the new one amid the police’s protection.

Ali Abbas Zafar even apologized by tweeting and showed the motive of the makers.

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