Two days after a convoy of SUVs including that of NCP president Sharad Pawar entered the Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex in Pune and parked their cars on the race track, Union Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju expressed his unhappiness over the incident. The matter came to light after a BJP MLA from Pune’s Shivajinagar shared the pictures on his Twitter handle alleging ‘VIP culture and arrogance of the MVA’ government.
“I’m personally very sad to see such disrespect for sports and sporting ethics in our country,” tweeted Mr Rijiju, Sports Minister
“As it is we are lacking in sufficient sports facilities in our country. All the sports centers need proper care,” he said.
NCP chief Sharad Pawar visited Pune’s Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex along with Maharashtra Sports Minister Sunil Kedar and Minister of State Aditi Tatkare to review a project on Saturday.
After the matter came to light, Maharashtra Sports Commissioner said that the vehicles were allowed to be parked on the cemented area and not on the running track. “Vehicles were allowed to be parked on cemented tracks as Pawar Sahab had an issue with his leg. It was allowed so that he doesn’t face problem in walking,” said Om Prakash Bakoria, Maharashtra Sports Commissioner.
The ministers reportedly did not want to use the elevators to the second floor of the sports complex, which houses a meeting room. To avoid the inconvenience, the ministers decided to take the cars up to the second floor of the complex and park on the track, according to ANI.
The cars were reportedly parked until the meeting ended.
He apologised saying that such incidents won’t be repeated. “Unfortunately, the vehicles came on track. I apologise for it and assure that such an incident won’t be repeated,” said Bakoria.
BJP MLA Shirole alleged damage to the sports infrastructure and demanded an unconditional apology from the leaders of MVA. He also called for an impartial enquiry into the incident.
The Pune administration put out an apology. “The incident has been noted by the Sports Minister and instructions have been issued to make sure that such an incident is not repeated again. Going forward it will be made sure that vehicles are not allowed at an athletic track,” the Pune District Information Officer said in a statement.