Kangana Ranaut’s much-awaited film ‘Thalaivi’ is set to release tomorrow. And meanwhile, just a day ahead of it the actress has shared some more pictures of her different looks from the film. In the political drama, Kangana will be seen in different looks portraying the different stages of Tamil Nadu chief minister J. Jayalalithaa’s life. However, earlier the actress has shared some pictures but the latest ones which she dropped blew our minds. Her 20-kilos transformation from fat to fab is commendable and has left everyone awestruck.

Kangana took to her official social media handle and while sharing the pics, she wrote, “One day to go for the trailer launch of #Thalaivi… Gaining 20 kgs and losing it all back within a span of few months wasn’t the only challenge that I faced while filming this Epic Biopic, wait is getting over just in few hours Jaya will be your forever”

Aren’t the pictures and her journey seem fascinating?

‘Thalaivi’ is directed by director AL Vijay and will release on April 23, this year. Talking about the filmmaker Kangana had earlier shared a few BTS pics and wrote, “Dear Vijay sir, as first half dubbing of #Thalaivi is over, only the second half is left, this journey together is coming to an end, I never feel a sinking feeling that I feel as I think about it, I have identified this feeling as missing you factor I have a confession to make.”

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