“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”—Malcolm S. Forbes
“Man of Friday” for any Dog lover , Store his number +91 9986284468 before you can even start reading about him.
If you are a Pet Parent or Dog lover, it’s impossible that you won’t know him if you were from the Heritage city Mysore, Umesh Vijayaraman ,and little cute white Tata Nano with colourful little stickers, and names of furry friends moving around in city of Mysore .

Pet Taxi , Pet Cemetery , Doggie Pool ,a Real House for dogs ,a second home for your dogs when you are on you are away from them. But this Article is about the most noble work we have come across in recent times, we are sure you would consider the same after reading about his work.
Ever wonder what happens to a road killed dog?
Most of us feel helplessness , when our eyes meet those eyes which cries for help after death .
Some consider them only a smelly carcass, and close their nose to unbearable stench .

Some cars swerve to avoid them being run over risking other motorists . Some large vehicles just run over them as it’s too risky to steer their vehicle . Meet these groups of people who thought differently , took the task which we otherwise would pass to the Government institutions . These Angels pick the carcass of the dogs and cats ( and once a wild boar too ) run over by vehicles on Mysore Ring road ,and give them a decent burial . A final solace for animals which live their life of misery being born in a world of humans who don’t even consider their existence.
Umesh says “ I thank the Forest department of Karnataka for not objecting to the burial on the median of 42.5 km stretch which is maintained by KFD ,though the ring road is a National Highway (NH275K) . Forest Department has the know how as RFO mysore loving pet dog Bruno , an indie rescue is a boarding customer of mine..”
CALL –U ( Caring for Animals to Love and Liberate ) , is an initiative by BOW BOW pet resort ,guided by it’s founder Mr.Umesh VIjayaraman .
This dream of giving burial to road killed dogs took off during unlock 1.0 in October 2020 by Umesh ,he started all alone doing the burials of the dogs killed in an accident on ring road ,reported by regulars who take ring road of mysore for their work. Yet largely ,most of the road kills went unreported ,or by the time reported ,the carcass was highly decomposed..But that doesn’t stop this team which has grown to 4 members , Dr.Prajwal ,Mrs. Vidhushi Prem singh and Mr.Suresh. They have been continuously giving burial to any road kill of dogs reported on the entire stretch of Mysore Ring road . Thanks to article on Mysore’s popular daily newspaper ( STAR OF MYSORE AND MYSORE MITHRA) , and National daily ( INDIAN EXPRESS) and TV9 Digital , widely people have noticed their work , and now ring road kills are reported regularly. They have done close to 70 burials of Road killed dogs as in mid of May 2021 , keeping mysore ring road safe for motorists ,and also giving the poor souls a minimum deserved respect in death.
If anyone wishes to support this initiative , you can become a patron .For details you can contact Mr.Umesh Vijayaraman On +91 9986284468 .
Umesh further says “ This system of patrons, are a model to other cities which would adopt to take this project in their respective regions. Meaning Animal lovers who wish to support the cause can vow to contribute a micro sum to group, and there by financially aiding the operation within their cities, rather than operating on donations “.
When asked about futures plans .He says “BOW BOW Pet resort must be a benchmark of Dog boardings in our country . We want our customers to be treated like family than clients , we don’t want to leave no stones unturned to entertain our home guests ,their happiness and freedom is our prime giving. We are in making of our franchise model for BOW BOW Pet resort, as we are growing and our clientele has increased as we have earned 5 star for our services on google ,and we wanted to give the best facility .If anyone has interest to be part of our venture can get in touch with us by
E-mail : bowbowpetresortmysore@gmail.com or WhatsApp us with enquiry on 91-9986284468”.
Bow Bow Pet Resort also has the Limca book of Records for collaring maximum community dogs with reflective collars. Their record entered the Hachette India LBR records in 2018 ,and they are attempting to break their own record by collaring 5000 Plus community dogs in association and supported by Lions club jayanagar ,Bangalore this year 2021.

Umesh says “ The entry to the Limca records closes by May End ,but due to pandemic ,and lockdown , Hachette India have given extension time till the end of the month of June 2021 . We would collar the 5000 plus dogs with support of our 80 plus volunteer as we have already distributed the collars to our volunteers ,and most of the reflective collars have been collared and ready for submission.
When we asked about his future dreams he says “ I wanted to make my Pet Cemetery more prettier , it must a garden of flowers ,just to replicate the life of the loved ones rested there.We have given close to 100 beautiful souls the most needed resting ground as on mid may 2021 .Our pet cemetery needed to be no less than a heaven , nothing can overcome the grief of a pet parent than knowing they could give the best possible resting place once their dear one left to find another world . Our every boarding centre must be a heaven for dog lovers , it must give opportunity for dog lovers who don’t have a pet of their own ,and pet parents to come and enjoy the company of our in house guests, sipping tea and having snacks by our cafeteria ,and play with them in our pet park. I am really looking forward to the model franchise set up coming up in 10000 sqft with a swimming pool for boarding dogs ,and also a large play area . We would remain to give our present resort (16000 sq ft ) for pet parents who wanted to spend private time, and use a swimming pool privately ,or conduct picnics or birthday events and also our pet cemetery . But I am very excited about the new boarding set up.”
That’s why we started with the quote “ “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him”
We wish Umesh and his team BOW BOW Pet Resort , good luck in all endeavours, and May his tribe increase .
Follow BOW BOW Pet Resort on
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