If you ask Google to show you a reliable Miami real estate agency, you’ll see dozens of different companies claiming to be the best. You may think that the real estate market has been existing for many years and all firms should become experts in it. However, the reality is a bit different. Any industry appreciates development and innovation, so realty isn’t an exception. Unfortunately, the majority of brokers are supporters of the traditional approach.

CardinalMiami.com is the best company to find a real estate agent Miami Fl. Its realtors aren’t just people who aim to sell you an apartment – they aim to change the real estate brokerage not only in Florida but in the whole country. Are you dreaming about becoming one of these successful realty agents you see on the Internet but don’t know how? Join the CardinalMiami group.
How many agencies in Fl do you know to offer people an amazing opportunity to start a career in the real estate market? Probably not so much, right?
The Benefits of Working As a Real Estate Agent Miami FL
If you’re interested in realty, you probably know that a realtor should have a license or be tied to the National Association of Realtors. But Cardinal is a unique brokerage that doesn’t require its realtors to meet these requirements. However, it’s not the only advantage real estate agents Miami Fl can boast of:
- Office located in the heart of North Miami beach. If you have long been thinking about working in the comfortable office in the center of Miami, become a broker at CardinalMiami. Aventura will be 10 minutes from you, Downtown Fort Lauderdale — 30 minutes from you.
- A free education. If this agency hires an agent without any background in realty, it offers this person everything he or she needs to learn the basics. Moreover, all brokers get access to training and tutorials and some other materials they may need. Everyone can establish his or her own brand with this kind of assistance.
- A friendly and supportive environment. All realtors in Miami have to struggle with competition even while working in one company. Cardinal Group is a top agency where all people support each other. We guarantee that you’ll look forward to each day you’ll have to go to work.
- Keep 100% of your commission. Usually, real estate agents get a small percentage of one sale. CardinalMiami wants to change the way brokers work and offers them an opportunity to get 100% of their commission, paying a small fee. Try to find another firm with such benefit, and we guarantee you’ll fail.
CardinalMiami Subscription Plans
If you want to start a career as a real estate agent Miami, Fl with CardinalMiami, you need to purchase one of our plans. You may plan either monthly or yearly:
- Simple — 0$ per month (299$ fee per sale);
- Traditional — 0$ per month (99$ fee per sale);
- Starter — 29$ per month;
- Pro — 69$ per month.