Mumbai, Sep 23 The cast of the upcoming six-part series ‘The Journey of India’ was revealed on Friday to mark India’s 75 years of Independence. In addition to Amitabh Bachchan serving as the show host and narrator, each episode will also feature a leading voice to showcase a key theme in India’s development as a nation.
Bollywood actress Kajol will walk the viewers down the lane of Bollywood’s captivating legacy against the backdrop of an actual film set in action. Telugu star Rana Daggubati, who is also a conservationist, will make the viewers acquainted with India’s successful initiatives in sustainability and conservation in tandem with Indian author and wildlife conservationist, Latika Nath.
Sharing his thoughts on the same, Daggubati said in a statement, “‘The Journey of India’ demonstrates the rich fruit of India’s collective hard work and sheer willpower borne for this nation. Adopting sustainability and becoming consciously aware as a nation is admirable, especially at this crucial stage in the climate change crisis. It’s an honour for me to be a part of a show that brings these spellbinding achievements to light.”
Renowned Indian author Amish Tripathi, who is known for his ‘Shiva’ trilogy, will pay homage to India’s diversity of religions, and Michelin Star chef Vikas Khanna will explore the palatability of Indian cuisine, paralleling his roots to its impact on global cuisine.
The show will also feature contributions from ‘RRR’ director S. S. Rajamouli, veteran actress Hema Malini, Oscar award-winning composer A. R. Rahman, stalwart industrialist Anand Mahindra, celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor, female banking trailblazer Naina Lal Kidwai, climate change activist Vani Murthy, fashion designer Ritu Kumar and renowned dietician Rujuta Diwekar among others.
‘The Journey of India’ is set to premiere globally on streaming platform discovery+ in India, the US, UK, and the Philippines. The show will drop on October 10 in India on Discovery Channel, TLC, Discovery Science, Discovery Turbo and DTamil.