Mumbai, Sep 27 Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan, who is currently awaiting the release of his upcoming film ‘Vikram Vedha’, feels that India as a country is culturally very rich and has a treasure of folk tales and mythology that can act as a fodder to tell stories on the celluloid.
The basic idea of ‘Vikram Vedha’ is based on the Indian mythological story of Vikram and Betaal.
Elaborating on the same, Hrithik said in an answer to IANS, “To take something like this that we have all heard in our childhood and create this entire story of ‘Vikram Vedha’ and to use it as a device, it’s so sharp.”
He further mentioned, “We have so many of such stories in our mythology and folklore. I think we need to re-look at this treasure, there’s so much fodder in there from a storytelling point of view.”
Director Pushkar of the film’s director duo, Pushkar-Gayatri, added, “What intrigues us as directors is that our mythology or folklore majorly have no demarcation about who is wrong or right. As creators, it’s refreshing to install the stories that are in the grey zone.”
‘Vikram Vedha’, which also stars Saif Ali Khan, is set to release in theatres on September 30.