Mumbai, Feb 4 Bollywood’s young comedy king Varun Sharma, who celebrates his birthday on Friday, turned a dog parent as his mother gifted him a 55-day-old Shih Tzu pup. The actor always wanted to have a furry companion.
Talking about the pup, the actor said: “All my childhood, I have been after my mother to get me a puppy. She’d say that one day when I can shoulder the responsibility, she’d get me one. Over the years as I joined movies and life got busier, I kept the plan of being a pet parent on hold. With long schedules, relentless work days, it felt like a distant dream.”
He added: “This time, when I got home and found this little ball of energy running towards me, I felt the happiest I have ever been. It’s a sense of growing up that my mother trusts me to take care of a puppy and more than anything I know I am ready to be a pet parent.”
On the work front, the actor has ‘Cirkus’ and ‘Fukrey’ as well as an untitled film lined up for release.