Mumbai, July 30 Bollywood star Varun Dhawan, who appeared in the first episode of the just-released comedy show “Case Toh Banta Hai”, says the concept and the presence of talents such as Riteish Deshmukh, Varun Sharma and Kusha Kapila make the show “unmissable”.
Asked about what sets the show apart from any regular comedy show, Varun said: “The very fact that it is India’s first official court of comedy, makes it a unique concept. This, coupled with the Riteish, Varun and Kusha’s amazing comic timing make this unmissable. I think it’s one of the funniest reality shows that I have been a part of.”
“The audiences have been seeing us on screen for a very long time, and they take note of every trait of every actor, so they will definitely relate to it making it all the more funnier for them!” he added.
“Case Toh Banta Hai”, which will feature multiple Bollywood stars, including Anil Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karan Johar and Rohit Shetty, is streaming on Amazon miniTV.