Mumbai, July 18 The trailer of upcoming show ‘Case Toh Banta Hai’ was released on Monday. With that, the makers unveiled the show’s line-up of guests like Varun Dhawan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karan Johar, Sara Ali Khan, Anil Kapoor, Rohit Shetty and Badshah.
Touted to be India’s first court of comedy, the show features Bollywood actors Riteish Deshmukh, Varun Sharma and digital content creator and social media influencer Kusha Kapila. Riteish and Varun will play the roles of public prosecutor and defence lawyers, while Kusha will play the judge who decides the fate of the biggest celebrities from Bollywood.
The trailer shows how Riteish, Varun and Kusha deal with the cases of celebrity guests. Riteish said in a statement: “I have done many projects in the past which fall under the comedy genre, but ‘Case Toh Banta Hai’ will always remain one of the most special projects of my career. The mere idea and concept of this show puts the biggest celebrities of our country in a spot that makes them and us laugh the whole time. It’s one dhamakedaar case with a lot of masala.”
‘Case Toh Banta Hai’ is a combination of various formats which includes light-hearted roast, talk show and sketches.
Varun Sharma added: “My love for atrangi comedy is well known among audiences and the industry. Nothing could have excited me more than getting together with Riteish and Kusha and then having fun with the most popular and admired names in the film fraternity.”
The show will premiere on July 29 on Amazon miniTV – on its shopping app and Fire TV.