The makers of Sholay 3D have finally announced the film’s release date. It has been learnt that they have decided to release it on Amitabh Bachchan’s 71st birthday that falls on the 11th of October. “The date was specifically chosen as it coincides with Bachchan’s big day. He is the biggest star we have today and what better day to release the film”, stated a source.Sholay, one as one of the biggest Bollywood hits of all times, starred Amitabh Bachchan and Dharmendra in the lead role. The female leads were played by Jaya Bachchan and Hema Malini. The movie’s focal point was the friendship between Amitabh and Dharmendra’s characters Jai and Veeru.Both the actors received immense accolades for portraying these characters. While Jaya did not have much role to play, Hema Malini’s character Basanti was also loved by the audience. It is known to be one of her best performances. Amjad Khan, who played the villain, Gabbar Singh also managed to garner a lot of appreciation.