Mumbai, March 25 With the Oscars week underway, the celebrations for the prestigious awards ceremony are in full-swing with Oscar parties raising the excitement further. Recently, stars from Hollywood and international cinema, attended several events and the pictures, accessed by ‘Variety’, are stunning to say the least.
Reinaldo Marcus Green, Jamie Dornan, and Donall O Healai were all suited up for the Oscar Wilde Awards at The Ebell of Los Angeles.
Another set of pictures, accessed by ‘Variety’, show Saniyya Sidney and Aunjanue Ellis put their best fashion foot forward at the Essence 15th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Awards at the Beverly Wilshire hotel. Storm Reid was also seen sporting a light yellow coloured gown for the same with British actor Damson Idris donning a cloud grey coloured suit for the said event.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Aziz Ansari were seen sharing a laugh at the Celebrate South Asian Excellence event at UTA where Kal Penn and Joseph Patel too registered their presence.
Justice Smith, Nat Wolff, Chloe Fineman, Tinx, Olly Sholotanat, Kaitlyn Dever, Joey King, Chase Stokes and Kathryn Newton graced the Vanity Fair and BACARDÍ Rum Celebrate Vanities: A Night for Young Hollywood at Musso & Frank Grill.
Yvette Nicole Brown and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan were seen acing their fashion game at the Emily’s List Oscars Week Discussion at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills along with Chiney Ogwumike, Amber Tamblyn and Gloria Calderon Kellett.