Mumbai, Nov 11 Actress Parineeti Chopra is currently in Kargil, shooting for her yet-to-be-titled film. This is the first time that the actress has travelled to shoot amid the snow-clad mountains of Ladakh, and she seems to be absolutely in love with the place.
Talking about her experience, Parineeti said, “I feel honoured and ecstatic to be shooting in Kargil. I always wanted to come here because I have grown up hearing stories from my dad because he works with the Indian Army and to be finally here as an actor is such a blessing.”
However, it’s not all fun and games for the crew on the sets as sub-zero temperatures come with their own set of troubles and many times can thwart the shoot schedule. The actress explains, “The temperature is crazy, we shot in -18 and -12 degrees yesterday and our bottles of water were frozen and the guys with beards on our set had frozen beards.”
“It was crazy to see that level of cold. I have never experienced that temperature before in my life but still feels exciting to be here as an actor and shooting in these beautiful gorgeous locations,” she concludes.