Hyderabad, Sep 27 Tollywood star Nandamuri Balakrishna needs no introduction. Apart from alluring fans with his onscreen histrionics in Telugu blockbusters, Balayya Babu, as fans fondly call him, has made his mark with his talk show ‘Unstoppable with NBK’, top rated by the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), on the Telugu OTT platform aha.
Come October and Balakrishna, better known as NBK, who dons many hats of actor, producer and director, will return with Season 2 of his quirky talk show.
To herald the show’s launch, aha has launched an anthem, adding to the thrill quotient of Season 2 and presenting the show’s plot line.
Sharing his thoughts on the title song, NBK praised the “fast-paced soundtrack created by Roll Rida and Mahati Swara Sagar”. He said he was excited to be a part of Season 2 and was “looking forward to the audience’s reaction to the anthem”.
A Telugu rapper, Rahul Kumar Velpula, aka Roll Rida, has sung the song and penned its lyrics. The music has been composed by Mahati Swara Sagar, who’s also the son of the well-known Telugu music director, Mani Sharma.
Anchored in good conversations, ‘Unstoppable with NBK’ has become a property that its fans look forward to.