Hyderabad, July 15 Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu, who took to his social media, unveiled the title and the announcement teaser for Siva Karthikeya’s next movie. Titled ‘Maaveeran’ in Tamil, the bilingual movie is titled ‘Mahaveerudu’in Telugu. Mahesh Babu wrote, “Happy to unveil the title of @Siva_Kartikeyan’s #Maaveeran! Best wishes to the entire team!”, as he shared the title teaser of Madonne Ashwin’s upcoming directorial.
The excited Siva Karthikeyan, expressed his gratitude towards Mahesh Babu for releasing the title, as he wrote, “This is a great start for the film and to the team.. Thank you so much for your kind gesture @urstrulyMahesh sir.. Indeed a very special moment for me sir #Maaveeran”. The teaser clip is intriguing, as Siva Karthikeyan plays a superhero in this action movie.
‘Mahaveerudu’ will be produced by Shanthi Talkies and directed by Madonne Ashwin. The film’s production will begin soon. Siva Karthikeyan has completed the talkie part of his straight Telugu film ‘Prince’, which would be released in time for Diwali. Anudeep KV of ‘Jathi Ratnalu’ fame directed the film. ‘Doctor’ and ‘Don’, Siva Karthikeyan’s previous flicks, performed well in Telugu and Tamil. The actor is also eager to establish himself in Telugu.