Chennai, March 26 Congratulating the team of director S.S. Rajamouli’s magnum opus ‘RRR’ for making a film that was ‘epic’, Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu on Saturday said the “scale, grandeur, visuals, music and emotions” of the film were “unimaginable, breathtaking and simply stunning.”
Taking to Twitter to register his thoughts on the just released film, which has already gone on to emerge as India’s biggest blockbuster, Mahesh Babu, said, “There are films and then there are SS Rajamouli films! ‘RRR’ E.P.I.C!! The scale, grandeur visuals, music & emotions are unimaginable, breathtaking and simply stunning!
“Junior NTR and Ram Charan grow beyond their stardom and come out with performances which are out of this world!! The law of gravity didn’t seem to exist in the ‘Natu-Natu’ song! They were literally flying!!
“Hats off to the entire team of ‘RRR’ for executing this mammoth project!! So so proud! Congratulations.”
‘RRR’, which features Junior NTR and Ram Charan in the lead, released on Friday in theatres worldwide. The film, which has come in for rave reviews, has smashed all box office records on Day 1 and has now emerged as the number one opener of Indian cinema.