Chennai, June 18 Actor R K Suresh, who is releasing director Seenu Ramasamy’s ‘Maamanithan’, featuring actors Vijay Sethupathi and Gayathrie in the lead, says that the film reminded him of his dad while watching it.
Addressing a press conference called by the team of ‘Maamanithan’ recently, RK Suresh said, “There are only a few filmmakers who make movies on realistic values and Seenu Ramasamy is one among them. I was reminded of my dad while watching this film and I am sure it will have an impact on all men who are heads of families.
“This movie will offer a fresh experience to audiences and will be completely different from the director’s earlier film ‘Dharmadurai’. It will be a movie that audiences can relate to. The movie is set in three different locations. The story begins in Theni, travels to Kerala, and finally ends at Kasi.
“‘Maamanithan’ is going to be a special movie for Gayathrie. The story demanded a variety of performances based on three different situations in this movie, and she has nailed it. I strongly believe this movie will be a success.”
The film, which has been in the making for long, is finally scheduled to hit screens on June 24 and has been produced by music director Yuvan Shankar Raja.