Mumbai, Oct 10 ‘Kumkum Bhagya’ actress Leena Jumani, who is currently seen in the daily soap ‘Appnapan… Badalte Rishton Ka Bandhan’ is working hard to play her role perfectly. She is following a strict fitness regime for her look in the show.
She said: “As actresses, we need to always focus on our acting skills and the way we present ourselves onscreen, especially at a time when it’s needed to fit into a particular character.”
The actress was also seen in shows such as ‘Ganga Kii Dheej’, ‘Chhoti Si Zindagi’,’Punar Vivah’ among others. Leena opens up about the similarity between her on screen and off screen character and said that both are health-conscious.
“Sonali is very health-conscious and likes to maintain her physique. This is one of the few similarities that I and Sonali share. Though I am a huge foodie, I still very consciously try to maintain my diet.”
Leena carries home-cooked food on the sets to avoid eating anything from outside. “During the shoot also I have only homemade food and carry ample smoothies and water to hydrate my body. Also, I exercise daily, if not in the morning then after the shoot and I try to maintain myself and stay fit,” she concluded.
‘Appnapan’ airs on Sony Entertainment Television.