Mumbai, Nov 25 The new season of ‘Inside Edge’ has bowled over the audience with its trailer. The trailer shows Tanuj Virwani’s character of star cricketer ‘Vayu Raghavan’ who wants to polish his game further to become a strong contender for the Indian team’s captaincy.
As an India vs Pakistan clash becomes the most awaited contest in the show leading to stakes becoming higher for everyone who is involved in it, Tanuj takes a walk down memory lane and reminisces about an era gone by.
Recollecting the high-voltage contests of India vs Pakistan from the 1990s, Tanuj says, “Growing up, no matter where in the world an India vs Pakistan match was being played, I would watch it. You know, in those days, the Sahara Cup was hosted in Toronto. The time difference between Canada and India meant that the matches would continue into the early hours of the morning.”
“Sometimes, I would be awake till 6 a.m. Even though I had school the next day, I wouldn’t sleep a wink throughout the night because I was passionate about the game and would be thoroughly engaged in watching it on TV. In fact, I would don a helmet, cricketing gear and paint my face in the tricolour. I would go to school the next day despite having kept awake the night before (sic).”
With Season 3 of ‘Inside Edge’ looking better than ever, this time the game is going to be more special and thrilling as the third season will factor in the format of Test cricket turning it into the battleground for cricketers, the board controlling the game as well as the betting and match-fixing mafia.
‘Inside Edge’ Season 3 created by Karan Anshuman will stream exclusively on Prime Video from December 3.