Chennai, July 19 The unit of upcoming Telugu film “Karthikeya 2”, featuring actor Nikhil Siddhartha in the lead, on Tuesday released the teaser of their film in five languages from the premises of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in the holy city of Vrindavan.
Taking to social media to share pictures at Vrindavan and a video clipping elaborating details of what happened at ISKCON, Siddhartha said: “The epic mystical movie ‘Karthikeya 2’ had a magical experience at ISKCON Brindavan. Powerful facts were spoken by the spokesperson of ISKCON Radharam Das ji, thanking the team for bringing out true facts and glory of Lord Sri Krishna in the movie.”
The movie’s Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam teasers were released on the occasion.
On Tuesday, Siddhartha had disclosed that the team of “Karthikeya 2” had received an invitation from ISKCON, which after getting to know the concept of their film, to come to their premises in Vrindavan.
The film, which has been directed by Chandoo Mondeti, features Anupama Parameswaran as the female lead and was originally scheduled to be released on July 22. However, the release of the film was postponed and the crew has said that it will now announce a new date.