Mumbai, July 27 Actor Raj Qushal, who made his debut with the movie ‘Jaadugar’ featuring alongside Arushi Sharma, Javed Jaaferi and Jitendra Kumar, talks about his working experience and role in the film.
Helmed by director Sameer Saxena, it is written by Biswapati Sarkar.
Talking about his role, he says: “It’s a very interesting character named Lalli who will tickle your funny bone throughout the film. He has a very weird dressing sense. He has his own unique style and swag and is self obsessed. He follows and sees himself as actor Suniel Shetty.”
Sharing his working experience with Jeetu and Javed Jaffrey, he shares: “Since it was my debut, I got to learn a lot from Jeetu and Javed Jaffrey sir. Jeetu is very humble and a comfortable co-actor to work with. I thoroughly enjoyed working with each of them. It was a lifetime experience which I’ll always cherish.”
Opening up about the film getting mixed reviews, he states: “When the film released it received good response from the audiences. But after 1 or 2 days the reviews were quite negative as well as positive. It got mixed reviews but it’s their personal opinion and as long as audiences are enjoying it. That’s all that matters as to how people perceive it.”
But the actor says he is receiving positive response for his role in the film. “I have received good response from the industry after the screening. Also I have been receiving messages and love on social media.”
He shares his future plans and concludes: “Right now, I’m looking for good work and let’s talk about what kind of characters I would like to do. So as much love people are giving to my character in this film, I’ll work harder next time so that the public gets to see more different characters in different genres.”