Chennai, Jan 10 Expressing his anger at the havoc being wreaked by Covid on the masses, especially the poor, Tamil film actor and music director Vijay Antony on Monday, said it would be better if somebody dropped a bomb on the world and destroyed it once and for all.
The usually soft-spoken actor, who is known for being careful with his choice of words and statements, took to social media to express his anger at repeated waves of the pandemic forcing frequent lockdowns and thereby badly affecting the livelihoods of the poor.
Writing in Tamil, he said,”Corona will make the rich become richer and will change the poor into becoming beggars. Just like how someone dropped a bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would be great if somebody dropped a bomb on the world and destroyed it once and for all. Long live with prosperity.”
The actor, who has been delivering hit after hit, is considered to be a producer’s delight. In fact, Vijay Antony was the only actor in the Tamil film industry who chose to take a pay cut during the previous lockdown, in a bid to help out his producers, who would have otherwise suffered losses.