Mumbai, Oct 10 Superstar Salman Khan was seen taking to task ‘Bigg Boss 16’ contestants during the first ‘Weekend Ka Vaar’ episode and he advised everyone to show their real side and make the game interesting. While pointing towards ‘Udaariyan’ actor Ankit Gupta, he asked him to be visible in the game and be vocal.
While Ankit tried to justify himself that he takes time to open up, Salman told him: “You have limited time”. In fact many ‘Bigg Boss’ fans and his co-contestants also pointed out that he is quiet and his game is like the way Simba Nagpal used to play in the previous season.
Meanwhile, the host also gave a piece of advice to Priyanka Chahar Choudhary, who is also Ankit’s ‘Udaariyan’ co-actor and they entered ‘Bigg Boss 16’ as best buddies that they both are losing the charm of their friendship and he told Priyanka: “Your chemistry with Ankit has become history.” He told them to bring it back so as to make their game intriguing.
Priyanka replied that Ankit needs to be more expressive and his quietness has often created issues in their friendship.
Furthermore, the audience asked interesting questions to the contestants like why Abdu Rozik is treated like a child as he is a grownup man and playing his game or why Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia being a captain keeps crying on everything. Many also felt that ‘Imlie’ fame Sumbul Touqeer Khan is not coming out as a strong contestant and she agreed saying she has to change herself.
On the other hand, Shalin Bhanot was criticised by the fans for giving suggestions to others and not concentrating on his own game.
Shekhar Suman was also seen entering the ‘Bigg Boss 16’ house as a host of the segment ‘Bigg Bulletin With Shekhar’. He also made fun of Ankit by saying he couldn’t recognise him as he is not seen much on the show and he also told Sumbul to be more strong.
‘Bigg Boss 16’ airs on Colors.