Chennai, Jan 5 Director Arun Vaidyanathan, who just recovered from Covid, on Wednesday urged people to be kind to creators and artistes. The director of movies such as ‘Achchamundu Achchamundu’ and ‘Peruchazhi’, took to his Facebook page to pen a long post.
He said: “I feel sorry for theatre owners, distributors, artistes, creators and especially film loving audience for this temporary set back created by the virus. Rest assured, we are at the end of the pandemic and we are all going to have our lives back from second quarter of 2022 onwards.
“Please be kind to every artiste, creator you come across. Don’t ask them, when is the movie release….instead tell them, ‘We will wait for your film.”
“Give them hope’. Don’t ask them ‘What’s your next project. Instead, ask them, ‘I hope you are sharpening your next blockbuster’. Put a positive spin on all your thoughts while you talk to them.”
“They are a different breed. Some of them will bounce back with every setback or challenge thrown at them, not everyone though!”
“Whenever you guys sit at your home, take that remote, feel grateful to the entertainment business. The list you browse is so many people’s hard work, blood and dreams. They do make money by doing the same. But a good number of them just scramble around to make their ends meet.”This too shall pass. Let’s cheer each other and walk home together. Love. Serve. Remember.”