Mumbai, June 20 ‘Chhoti Sardaarrni’ actor Aryan Arora, has joined the cast of Sandiip Sikcand’s upcoming TV show ‘Bohot Pyaar Karte Hai’ which stars Karan V. Grover in the lead role.
He says: “I’m excited to have the opportunity to join the cast this new venture by Sandiip sir. I’m playing a grey shaded charecter. I will be seen as Vivaan Malhotra. He’s the youngest son in the family. My role is written very creatively. He’s carefree and bindass. At times he’s positive but sometimes he turns out to be negative. So, its a promising role for me with a good screen timing.”
Aryan has earlier also featured in ‘Naagin 6’ and ‘Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya’, adds apart from shoots the actor is also focusing on fitness.
He shares: “I enjoy to stay fit and healthy. Whenever I get time from my shoots I workout for hour or so. I feel staying fit helps us to function actively and keep our mind positive. And a fit look always makes a way to explore new opportunities.”
‘Bohat Pyaar Karte Hai’ will go on air from July 5 on Star Bharat.