Mumbai, July 2 Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who will be seen soon in the upcoming film ‘Ek Villain 2’, recently spoke about his physical transformation for the part, which the trailer of the film exhibits in full glory. The actor battled obesity and won over it and looks fitter than ever waiting to go all guns blazing.
Talking about the same, the actor said, “I’m thrilled with the love that I have got for ‘Ek Villain 2’ trailer. Honestly, it has been a long road for me to ensure that I achieve a transformation that I’m proud of. It has been a real struggle because of my health issues but I thank everyone for their encouragement.
“I’m proud of myself for staying put, for putting in the long hours at the gym, for eating right every day and for having the mental strength to put my health as a priority.”
In the scene, he is seen saying, “Maar De Par Mein Uthta Rahunga Akhri Saans Tak”. People have drawn parallel to Arjun’s real life where trolls have constantly tried to put him down but he has always found the strength to come back stronger!
He added, “It has not been easy but the journey seems sweeter today after seeing the lovely reactions. I understand that everyone criticised me at one time. They didn’t know what I was going through. I didn’t reveal too. But their feedback motivated me to bounce back.
“So, to everyone who trolled me, who criticised me, who hated me, I say thank you. The energy you gave me, I used it to transform myself. I will always be a work in progress and I’m proud that I will keep at it and keep coming back for more,” he added.
‘Ek Villain 2’ also stars John Abraham and Disha Patani in key roles. Meanwhile on the work front, Arjun has an interesting mix of films lined up for the year.
Apart from ‘Ek Villain 2’, the actor will also be seen in Aasman Bhardwaj’s ‘Kuttey’ and Ajay Bahl’s ‘The Ladykiller’.