Mumbai, Nov 12 As her debut film ‘Toofaan Mail’ has been selected in the Indian Panorama section of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) Goa, filmmaker Akriti Singh says such appreciation gives one confidence to look forward in one’s career.
Before arriving in India, the film did the festival rounds abroad in Germany and the UK, and it was even adjudged the Best Film (youth choice) at the UK Asian Film Festival.
Talking about the selection, Akriti said: “A selection in such a festival definitely boosts my confidence as a first-time filmmaker. The film has been chosen from amongst 221 films from all over the country so it is a big deal for all of us in the team of ‘Toofaan Mail’.”
“I am looking forward to attending the festival in person, as due to Covid restrictions I could not attend the UK and German festivals that the film was a part of. I would be watching the film with an audience for the first time and this also marks our film’s premiere in India.”
‘Toofaan Mail’ is based on a true incident from the 1970s, where a woman arrived at the New Delhi railway station, claiming to be the Queen of Awadh and sought to meet the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi.
The film will be shown on November 21 in Panjim.