Mumbai, June 17 Actor Akashdeep Arora, who started his acting journey with short form digital sketches, will be soon seen playing a pivotal role in the upcoming webseries ‘Masoom’. He describes his character as someone who is struggling with internal conflicts and who’s unaware of the truth.
Shedding light on his character, Akashdeep says, “My character is someone who’s struggling to fit into this normal world by disregarding his past concerning his childhood days. My character feels like an outsider, which makes him filled with anxiety & self-doubt, something which any normal person must feel when he or she is unaware of the truth behind an incident.”
The actor, who started his Bollywood journey with ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’, will be seen alongside a stellar cast Boman Irani, Samara Tijori, Upasana Singh, Manjari Fadnnis and Veer Rajwant Singh.
He further adds, “I am more than happy to be a part of this project and work alongside such intensely talented individuals.”
‘Masoom’ will arrive on Disney+ Hotstar on June 17.