Hyderabad, June 19 Arjun Sarja, the yesteryear actor, who was last seen in Ravi Teja’s ‘Khiladi’, is going to take on the role of director after a four-year hiatus. He is directing a straight Telugu film for the first time in his life, which will have young actor Vishwak Sen.
Vishwak Sen, who has earned a decent following through his movies in recent times, had appeared in a titular role in his recent outing ‘Ashoka Vanamulo Arjuna Kalyanam’. Now that the actor is to be directed by Arjun Sarja. This upcoming movie marks Vishwak Sens’s 11th movie, and it will also have Jagapathi Babu in one of the lead roles.
Aishwarya Arjun, Arjun Sarja’s daughter, is to make her Telugu debut with this film. The makers have made an official announcement about it on the Internet. Sree Raam Films International, Arjun’s home banner, will produce the film.