Mumbai, Nov 25 Abhijit Bichukale, who was set to enter ‘Bigg Boss 15’ with Rashmi Desai and Devoleena Bhattacharjee as wild card contestants, will not be entering the house now as he has reportedly tested positive for Covid-19 though it has not been confirmed by the channel.
Despite the fact that he was hoping to win the game with the support of the audience as he said in an interview before entering the house: “If I get the support of the audience, I can be the winner and no doubt in it.” It must be unfortunate for his fans, who will miss out on his journey on the show.
Abhijit is a politician and was also part of ‘Bigg Boss Marathi 2’ and before entering the house he revealed that none of the contestants seem to be strong. He said: “I don’t think any of the contestants are going to be challenging and they just keep fighting with each other.”
Now with the news that he is not entering the show and the elimination process that started for bottom 6, ‘Bigg Boss 15’ seems to be moving with a lot of twists and the audience can now see new connections and verbal spats and fights inside the house.