Chennai, July 27 Actor Ajith Kumar seems to be managing to find the time to pursue his heart’s passions — racing and shooting, despite a hectic schedule.
The actor, who only recently returned to India after undertaking a bike tour of Europe, was on Wednesday spotted at the Trichy Rifle Club, participating in the 47th Tamil Nadu Rifle Shooting Championship.
Pictures and video clips of the actor at the shooting club have gone viral on social media.
The actor is believed to be participating in a series of events at the championship including the 10m, 25m and 50m pistol shooting events.
Last year, the actor won six gold medals at the shooting championship which was held in Chennai.
On the work front, Ajith is currently working with H Vinoth on his upcoming film that has been tentatively titled #AK61. The film’s plot will revolve around a bank heist. Interestingly, the unit had erected a giant set resembling Chennai’s popular landmark Mount Road in Hyderabad where certain important scenes of the film were shot.
The last schedule of the film is yet to get over. Once the film is done, Ajith is expected to move on to his next project, which is to be directed by Vignesh Shivan.